Friday, April 28, 2006

Did you know that companies like Google, and Amazon are working hard at creating a digital resource for all books. It has become a major initiative for companies to put these books in ebook format for readers around the globe to enjoy. One day an internet user in Cambodia will be able to read American classics like Moby Dick without having to leave the room. Traditional books are becoming ebooks every day, and it's only going to become more common to read a book via computer in the future.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Reading is the best way to accidentally learn new information. When attempting to navigate through the rigors of school and work, we often associate learning as something boring, or requiring intensive thought. The truth is that people can, and do learn all of the time, even if our minds aren’t fully active. One of the best ways to passively learn is to sleep with the T.V. on. No, that’s not true, just kidding around to make sure you’re paying attention you passive minder. Really the best way to get our minds into sponge mode is to read. Reading allows our brains to reconcile new information with facts, and information we’ve already digested. By engaging in this process our minds are always maturing.

Newspapers offer us the opportunity to passively learn. We can read something in the newspaper for curiosity, and then become inadvertently more intelligent for it. Newspapers are also effective because they are written in short spurts of information, similar to the concept of the 2 oz shot of whisky. The 2 oz shot of whisky contains the same amount of alcohol as a 12 oz beer. Newspapers allow us to get substantial information with less filler, like the whisky shot is to a mug of beer.

The ebook is another mode of reading that offers a shot style solution to learning. The ebook typically has a working table of contents that will allow you to scroll through the document at will. Some ebooks allow you to click the chapter, and they will whisk you right to it. Is this easier then turning the pages, absolutely it is easier. Both literally, it’s easier to scroll then turn pages, but also it’s easier to find your place on a computer than a paperback. Once you become rehearsed in using ebooks you won’t want to go back to paper.

Finally for those that can’t even find time for a newspaper, or ebook, try executive book summaries. The executive book summaries are like Cliffs Notes for adults. You want to talk about passive learning, read a five page book summery and retain 300 pages of information from it, now that beats sleeping with the T.V. on at night.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Good Book on your iPod?

Think ebooks are a fad? Well think again, you can now get the Bible in ebook format for your ipod, with chapters outlined especially for the tiny gadget. For mac users you can enjoy the best selling book of all time on the go.

Don't feel left out if you are a PC person, they are available for you too.

So what does this say about ebooks, that the world’s best selling book of all time is now available for free download? It means that ebooks are here to stay and worthy of your time. There is one thing that you can't argue with, and that's the price. Free has never been so spiritually uplifting. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I read a neat story today in the Wall Street Journal about the cost of textbooks going through the roof. Before you know it students will be downloading textbooks as an ebook to save cash. Thinking about this benifit had me wondering if anyone else makes ebook benifit lists. Sure enough the writing on your palm blog has a great list. The top 10 are below, but the list goes all the way to 26, for the full list click here.

1. Ebooks promote reading. People are spending more time in front of
screens and less time in front of printed books.

2. Ebooks, faster to produce than paper books, allow readers to read books
about current issues and events.

3. Ebooks are easily updateable, for correcting errors and adding

4. Ebooks are searchable. Quickly you can find anything inside the book.
Ebooks are globally searchable: you can find information in many ebooks.

5. Ebooks are portable. You can carry an entire library on one DVD.

6. Ebooks preserve books. The library of Alexandria was burned and the
collection ruined. Richard Burton's wife, after his death and against his
wishes, destroyed a book he had been working on for ten years. The original
manuscript of Carlyle's The French Revolution was lost when a friend's
servant tossed it into the fire. Ebooks are ageless: they do not burn,
mildew, crumble, rot, or fall apart. Ebooks ensure that literature will

7. Ebooks are good for the environment. Ebooks save trees. Ebooks eliminate
the need for filling up landfills with old books. Ebooks save
transportation costs and the pollution associated with shipping books
across the country and the world.

8. Ebooks can be printable: and thereby give a reader most or all of the
advantages of a paper-based book.

9. Ebooks defy time: they can be delivered almost instantly.

10. Ebooks defy space: ebooks online can be read simultaneously by
thousands of people at once.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Hardcopy books can pile up quicker then you may think, and they are heavy too! I’ve had to move many times in my years on this earth, and constantly find the books are one of the heaviest things to move, and what I have the most of, out of all my possessions. I was the type of person in college that would rather keep my books, then sell them back for money. I’ve always believed that books are full of valuable information that you may never know when you will need. That being said, it’s an absolute pain to lug books around, and that’s why ebooks are so great! The average ebook weighs, NOTHING. What a beautiful concept, no weighed down bags or boxes, just your computer, flash drive, or cd rom with a fully readable ebook on it.

As technology progresses it is inevitable that ebooks will become even more easy to read, transport, and create. Isn’t it time you gave some free ebooks a try?

Friday, April 21, 2006

While driving in my car today I noticed an empty parking spot on a crowded street. I was interestingly enough looking for a place to park. Naturally I did a u-turn and was planning to park there, when a car dashed in front of me and grabbed the parking spot from under my nose, or dare I say grill. I was frustrated for a second, but then noticed a new open spot a few feet closer to my destination. When I parked in the new spot I was delighted to find the meter had 30 minutes left in it. Free parking on someone else’s dime, I love it. What’s the lesson of this story? If one thing does not work out, we are often better off for it.

Paying a lot of money for an ebook that you are unsure about can be a risky move. Sometimes we find ebook titles, and content interesting, but are cautious to purchase because we don't want to waste our money on something not worth our time, like a poorly written ebook. You are smart for not purchasing that ebook at first glance, because Lord knows what the ebook is all about, or the author’s credibility in writing it.

Fortunately there is a resource that allows users to download ebooks for free. With you can read an authors work first, for free, and if you like it you can find what else he or she has written and purchase it, or download more work for free.

Hopefully by viewing ebooks free first from you will find some benefit to it. At the end of the day there may just be some extra money left in your intellectual meter to reward your choice.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Reading has been proven to:

-Reduce stress

-Provide thought provoking information

-Teach us about current issues and events

-Improve brain power

-Broaden our horizons

-Contribute to our overall success in life

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

He knew everything about literature except how to enjoy it.
- - - Joseph Heller
This is the age of information, and we that don't take advantage of this are literally being left in the past. Part of catching up on information is looking at resources that are informative, interesting, and inexpensive. I don't know about you, but I can't go and buy every book that catches my eye at the local bookstore. But I can download every ebook that catches my eye at free because they are, you guessed it, free!

Just glancing at the website you will obtain useful information for credible authors. To get an idea of what free was offering, I downloaded the Create Multiple Streams of Online Income - By Tim Knox, Online Business Primer ebook, as it was the most popular download on the site. This piece not only informs readers how to make money, it gives a perspective of the current enviroment of online marketing and sales. This type of information would cost $50 or more dollars to buy in a store, online, or over the phone. And it's free if you go to This is a deal you shouldn't pass up. If you do you won't know what your missing!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Watching all that information pour into the computer screen is a beautiful thing to see. Typically ebooks are written in a similar fashion to traditional books, and some ebooks will in fact become traditionally published paper books. A few facts about ebooks are:

-Most ebooks are less expensive then traditional print books

-The ebook can be read using most word processors, one doesn’t need to have MS WORD or ADOBE to read ebooks, one can simply download a free document or PDF reader.

-An ebook is typically written in a fashion that is easy to read, and clearly outlined for all to follow

-Information in ebooks can be used for individual research similar to any book, or journal article

-Ebooks offer a great way for people to read up on interesting information at whatever time they please, without having to leave the comfort of their chair

Monday, April 17, 2006

Ebooks are the great liberator, and you're about to embark on a journey of great value.

The bottom line is that ebooks can be published by anyone, at any place, any time, without costing them anything. This liberates thousands of would be authors to share their thoughts with the world, without having to endure the tedious editorial rigors that a traditional book company is known to drag its authors through. This is good for two reasons.

First, ebooks allow for quick distribution of up and coming information, such as new techniques to trade stocks, or the latest diet trends. Since ebooks can be written and distributed in little to no time, they are often ahead of the game in terms of their content.

Second, ebooks are cheap, at they are free! This is like a virtual library without the annoying staff, and stuffy atmosphere. Free ebooks will allow you to download as many as you like, and follow your favorite authors to find out more about what they are doing, by visiting their websites.

Ebooks have liberated the consumer from the day to day drudge of traditional print. Don't get me wrong, hard copy books are great, but they usually cost at least a few dollars, and often are dated with information that may or may not still be valid. Can you imagine buying a computer book on how to operate windows that was published in 1994? Me neither!

Friday, April 07, 2006


I forgot to mention this in my first entry…

If you’ve written your own eBook or have some you’d like to share with the rest of the world please send them this way:

You’ll be a hero to all- well to me at lest :)

Remember it’s better to give then to receive!





Glad you stopped in ’cause I’m on a mission- to help you- by giving you awesome info for free!

You see I’ve been collecting eBooks for years. I only realized a little while back that if I tallied these up, they could amount to an easy few hundred thousand- on every topic under the sun!

You know what? That’s simply far too many eBooks for 1 man to hog to himself (especially at the speed I read- would take me 4 lifetimes to get through them all)!

So the decision has been made- I’M SHARING THEM ALL FOR FREE!

That’s right- I’m going to upload each one to my friend’s site: (actually this will be her blog- just getting her going)

This site’s already got thousands of free eBooks for you, so take a look.

If you don’t know much about eBooks, I’ll tell you this: they’re amazing. They give you access to any info on any topic (how to guides, manuals, research, self help, etc), you can download them in seconds without leaving your house and they’re free (well- at least a few nice people giving them away for free:).

So have a look at the site- make it your new source for info- help us spread the good word (your friends will thank you for it) and by all means let us know how we’re doing- feedback is king!

Keep an eye on this blog (bookmarking it makes that easy) as we’ll be discussing more about the different eBooks I will add to the site, we’ll have reviews, we’ll talk about how to create ebooks, download them, share them- PRETTY MUCH ANYTHING TO DO WITH EBOOKS!

Thanks for joining us- until next time I wish you the best.

And remember what Mark Twain said: “The man who doesn’t read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.”

Yours in Friendship,
