Thursday, June 22, 2006

Where's the noise?????

Go here right now:

and let yourself be heard people!

Monday, June 19, 2006

EBOOK FORUMS are here!!!

Got questions about ebooks?

Need advice on ebook publishing?

Want to post a review or comment about a particular ebook?

Or maybe you just want to chat with some great friends?

Then, my friend, Your Forum on is the place for you:

We’ve just created this community so all us ebook enthusiasts can have a great place to get together and discuss, help each other out and learn together.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

SUPPORT LITERACY! is tremendously excited to announce it will donate 10% of all profits to caring charitable organizations that promote literacy. Join us in helping children all around the world get access to the books and education they deserve. You can help directly with time or donations through sites such as or Your support can go a long way in helping others!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I need help! Whoever said bringing the world the greatest number of free ebooks as possble was easy- was horribly wrong. And that's exactly our goal at

So now i'm reaching my hand out to you- please take it :)

In our quest to increase literacy, promote learning and free access to quality information your assitance will go a long long way.

It doesnt matter what your skils are: editing, uploading, reviewing, commentary, researching, browsing or anything you'd like- they would be well received here.

So whether you can spare a few minutes each day or each month, we'd love to hear from you.

Let us know if you'd like to become one of our valued volunteers at:

Many thanks

Monday, June 05, 2006


Well guys,

as you may notice is constan tly changing. We've been working our bums off to make the site the best it can be for you guys and we're going to keep going on this full time for you.

Our next big step is to add more ebooks in more categories. We have lots to upload and to everyone that has submitted their books we thank you.

Remember if you want to reach a huge audience base send your books this way.

Keep an eye out as our library is going to expend rapidly.

Thanks again
